Good morning beautiful!
I was reading a friend's blog this morning (actually it's my future roommate's blog) and I decided it was time I started blogging again. I had forgotten how fun it actually was... Then again, the last time I had a legitimate blog was back in the day when Xanga was popular. Anywho, to get this blog rolling I'll start by telling you that it has been one roller coaster of a summer. I went to Germany for a month on a mission trip with my future roommate, Cherish, and a few other wonderful people I met in college. Five weeks away from home really changes your perspective on life I'll tell you that. I work at a very local grocery store where I've been struggling to learn how to be a good manager all summer. > . < I'll let you know when I get a handle on that one... And, if you happen to know me well personally, you'll probably know that I have the worst luck with cars in the history of forever! Recently, I've been trying to find a car that will get me back and forth without a fear of it randomly breaking down. I thought I had found one this weekend but its not turning out so well. Just to give you a more detailed history, I've had four wrecks, three of which totaled the car I was in. Only two of which were actually my fault. I've gotten three tickets, one for not having my seat belt on, which was lame, one for following too closely, and one for running a red light. The latter two were actually tickets attached to wrecks. So you see, I'm not the best driver in the world. But neither is anyone else... so I'm genuinely interested, tell me readers, how do you deal with car troubles?
Complete change of subject:
I move in to my new apartment with Cherish in two weeks. Am I ready? Mentally? Yes! Packing wise? Wait... I have to pack?! Yeah... We're getting there. Hopefully I will have all my material possessions worth taking packed up soon. Slowly but surely it's coming together. So, two weeks till I move in, three weeks till my birthday and school starts (same day), and if my prayers are answered, I'll have a car by the end of the day.
Have a Blessed Day!
Whoop! I was mentioned in your blog several times!! So excited your blogging again! Can't wait to live with you! :)